The New World Order of Collaborative Government
I once listened to the book Wikieconomics during a time when I was also deeply involved in politics. It made me think, what if politics could be as collaborative as the new way of doing business has become. The idea that came from this seemed like it could be done as an interesting social experiment, but if it became popular and gained high levels of support, it could also be seen as very dangerous; especially to those currently in power.
Having a collaborative based government structure would require a new way of thinking about how we elect our representatives. How we structure our government would have to be done in a new way as well. The tools needed to make this happen would need to be sophisticated and extremely secure. Not to mention reliable and unhackable. Even the almighty Facebook and Google are not that invincible. Still, for the sake of doing it as an experiment, what might it look like?
Lets say you could design an online platform that guaranteed everyone had a single log-in, and only a single log-in. All 7+ Billion of us on the planet. Facebook is getting close to that, but they still have no way of guaranteeing every real person only has one real log-in. If it could be done, then we would be off to a good start.
Now lets say we could guarantee every person put in their real address. Honestly I wouldn’t care if it wasn’t their physical address, but some address that was in reality a real address tied to them in some way. We could now easily group everyone into geological based groups. These groups could then be divided up into universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets, continents, regions, nation states, counties, cities, and neighborhoods.
Other divisions could be also allowed, giving everyone a limited number of additional groups they could join. These groups would be free-form, meaning they could literally be about anything that they and the rest of the people in the group have in common: beliefs, religions, favorite flavor of ice cream, whatever.
All these groups would have to have a minimum number of people involved in them to be given a representative, but similar groups could be joined together temporarily or superficially to gain a representative until each had sufficient membership to gain their own representative.
Geographical groups would be as closely clustered as possible, using geographical boundaries such as water, mountains, plateau, streets, or other such things. Every time there was enough people in an area to constitute creating another geographical group, it would be done automatically.
Other then the Geographical groups (unless someone moves to a new location) any person would be able to, at any time, change the group(s) they are in. Maybe they find another group the feel they better align with; however, they would be limited to the number of groups they are allowed to be in at any one time, to ensure people aren’t joining groups just to influence them away from their intended commonality. Helping insure people join the few groups they truly believe in and support.
Every person, for every group they are in, would then be able to put their support behind who they wanted to be their representative by giving a limited number of scores to the other members they felt would represent the group well (including a limited number of negative scores for those they felt would not be good leaders). The members with the highest score would then be come the representative(s) for that group. Each group would also have a judge, a sheriff, and backups for each of these. These would all be determined by the same method of members giving support to them. This support could change at any time, causing the representation for the group to also shift at any time; eliminating the need for set election dates or political campaigning.
Each groups representative’s would be the leaders of the group, and would also be given access to higher level groups that also provided similar interests or geological locations. You would essentially then end up with local groups, county groups, state/nation groups, continental groups, and global groups. Each level would have its own set of responsibilities.
Of course there are a lot of other details that would need to be worked out that I haven’t even touched on here. If you have any ideas on how this might look, or how you might structure it differently, feel free to leave a comment.
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