Spaldam’s critique on Obama’s Speach to the Kids

I personally don’t remember a president addressing my while I was in school, but apparently it has happened a few times before.

Regardless, Obama’s speech was very inspirational, though it did seem to have some undertones of his Liberal agenda in it.

Anyway, here it is:

I’ve actually enjoyed hearing Obama’s speeches for one main reason. He is saying something I think the nation desperately needs to hear. Too many of us have expected too much for too long while putting in too little of our own efforts to achieve our goals. It truly does take hard work and perseverance to make something of one’s self, and it also takes the hard work of many good individuals to make a nation truly great.

This same speech coming from a conservative president probably wouldn’t have gotten any concern or scrutiny from all the concerned parents we keep hearing about, and most of that concern was centered around the questionnaire that was to be given to students after the speech; especially the one question that was thankfully removed which asked kids what they could do for President Obama. After all, a nation that is of the people, certainly isn’t their to server their President; in fact it’s quite the opposite in that the President, along with other elected officials, are there to server the people of this country.

I sincerely Hope his speech was inspirational and motivational to many kids that might otherwise not have been motivated. However, when you start to add it to many of Obama’s agendas on “Green Jobs” that’s was being lead by a self proclaimed communist, emergency powers to do unprecedented things during crises like pandemics, or knowing that socialized governments tend to bread lazy people, and you start to wonder if his speech was more of a conditioning of the upcoming generations to accept his “Fundamental Transformation of America“.

Of course a single inspirational speech of this kind isn’t going to brainwash anyone’s kid, but from what I’m hearing, it’s obvious that depending on the person’s point of view and beliefs, his speech is and will continue to be interpreted in many different ways.

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