Elder Craig C. Christensen – Oct 2012 General Conference

Elder Craig C. Christensen – Oct 2012 General Conference

“I [learn] from my own experiences” – Craig C. Christensen


Recognizing that this was likely the first time our young son had felt the influence of the Holy Ghost in such a powerful way, I knelt down on the floor next to him. While other visitors stepped around us, Ben and I spent several minutes, side by side, learning about the Holy Ghost together. I was amazed at the ease with which we were able to discuss his sacred feelings. As we talked, it became clear that what was most inspiring to Ben was not what he saw but what he felt—not the physical beauty around us but the still, small voice of the Spirit of God within his heart. I shared with him what I had learned from my own experiences, even as his childlike wonder reawakened in me a deep sense of gratitude for this unspeakable gift from God—the gift of the Holy Ghost.See Doctrine and Covenants 121:26

 Elder Craig C. Christensen
Elder Craig C. Christensen

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