Non-Toxic Foaming Hand Soap
Clean Hand Soap
I used to love the Bath and Body Works Foaming hand soap but I did not love the price. I learned about Doterra in 2011. Essential Oils are amazing. I do not promote ditching modern medicine. I suggest trying the oils first, as a first line of defense. If the oil isn’t working then I go to conventional. I think both modalities have its own pro’s and cons. Allowing the body to heal naturally is best.
Back to my point. Doterra has an oil blend called On Guard that is the best immune support I know of. Doterra has a whole line of On Guard products…hand soap, laundry detergent and toothpaste to name a few. I started making my own hand soap before Doterra expanded their line of products. I want to share this easy homemade recipe. I put a foaming hand soap bottle next to every sink in my house. I think my family catches less viruses due to this simple change we made. My kids and I both suffer from seasonal allergies, which sometimes makes it hard to tell the difference between if we caught a cold or if something is in bloom. I still think the On Guard hand soap “washes” the germs away!
You will need a foam soap dispenser, Pure Castile Soap- unscented, On Guard Essential Oil Blend and distilled water. I have linked all the products below.
2 Tablespoons Pure Castile Soap – unscented
10 drops On Guard
fill to the top of dispenser with distilled water.
It’s that easy!
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