Elder D. Todd Christofferson – October 2016 General Conference

Elder D. Todd Christofferson – October 2016 General Conference

“God’s love [for me] is infinite and it will endure forever” – D. Todd Christofferson


There are many ways to describe and speak of divine love. One of the terms we hear often today is that God’s love is “unconditional.” While in one sense that is true, the descriptor unconditional appears nowhere in scripture. Rather, His love is described in scripture as “great and wonderful love,”D&C 138:3 “perfect love,”1 John 4:18; Moroni 8:16 “redeeming love,”Alma 5:26 and “everlasting love.”Jeremiah 31:3 These are better terms because the word unconditional can convey mistaken impressions about divine love, such as, God tolerates and excuses anything we do because His love is unconditional, or God makes no demands upon us because His love is unconditional, or all are saved in the heavenly kingdom of God because His love is unconditional. God’s love is infinite and it will endure forever, but what it means for each of us depends on how we respond to His love.


Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Elder D. Todd Christofferson

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