Living in a Hotel for Three Weeks

We had to go live in a hotel for three weeks because we sold our house sooner then our apartment was ready:

Getting Ready:

In our search for an RV we couldn’t make up our minds on what to get, and we were about to get kicked out of our house because we weren’t going to own it anymore. What would we do? What else but move into a hotel! It’s only temporary, but still waiting three weeks for the apartment my wife wants to move into for the next six months. It’s actually more challenging and possibly more costly than living in an RV.

Week 1 was also submitted to the I Love Travel 2017 Video Contest by CyberLink:

Eating out While Living in a Hotel:

Check out many of the different places we ate at while living in a hotel. Eating with kids is always fun too.

We had fun swimming at the hotel too:

Out of the Hotel and Into an Apartment:

The kids talk about what it was like to live in a hotel for three weeks. They also talk about the apartment.

[eafl id=”886″ name=”Kindles” text=”These are the Kindles we got for the kids”]

Frame Away – Beyond [Argofox]