Elder Lance B. Wickman – April 2008 General Conference

Elder Lance B. Wickman – April 2008 General Conference

“[I] have claim on the Atonement’s cleansing grace, [I] will live forever with God.” – Lance B. Wickman


If Sergeant Morris was dreadfully wrong, he was also magnificently right! We really are immortal in the sense that Christ’s Atonement conquers death, both physical and spiritual. And provided we have so lived Today that we have claim on the Atonement’s cleansing grace, we will live forever with God. This life is not so much a time for getting and accumulating as it is a time for giving and becoming. Mortality is the battlefield upon which justice and mercy meet. But they need not meet as adversaries, for they are reconciled in the Atonement of Jesus Christ for all who wisely use Today.

Elder Lance B. Wickman
Elder Lance B. Wickman

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