The Controversy over Christmas

The Christmas Grinchs are back again this year, despite all the progress I though I saw last year with people protesting those establishments that attempted to remove “Christmas” from their stores due to a fear over offending a few customers.  It just seems like bad business to me, to remove from your store any references to the one Holiday a year that causes most retail locations to actually be profitable.

Chase Bank told a Texas businessman to remove the Christmas tree he donated to a local branch because it could offend people. . . to ensure that everyone who visits Chase branches feels welcome and comfortable, the bank’s policy is to use only decorations supplied by the company.”

Wachovia Bank has adopted a policy this year banning all Christmas trees from the décor in their local office branches this Christmas. Wachovia’s policy has offended many customers who have accounts with the bank. One woman has already canceled her account and many others are threatening to follow suit.

On a good note, the rest of us have decided to go right ahead and continue to celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ.

“There is no better time than now, this very Christmas season, for all of us to rededicate ourselves to the principles taught by Jesus the Christ.” —President Thomas S. Monson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency of the LDS church, recently stated in the December Ensign, “Let us all make this year’s Christmas season a time of rejoicing and celebration, a time when we acknowledge the miracle that our Almighty God sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem the world!”

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