Sample ballots now available for 2012 general election in Texas

Seth Hollist's sample ballot with some suggestions of how to vote.

Dallas County and Collin County have released their sample ballots for the 2012 general election. These sample ballots are important as they allow voters to preview the options, allowing them to know which specific candidates they need to research.
Sample Ballot for US House Texas distrcit 32

Also available are lists of voting locations and times for early voting. In generally early voting will start on the 23rd of October, and go until November 2nd. Be sure to check the hours of operation for the particular location you plan to visit. On November 6th, the voting hours will be from 7am – 7pm.
Being a presidential election year, it is expected that we’ll see record campaign spending and voter turnout. While the presidential race certainly attracts lots of media attention, voters will also need to be aware of state and local level candidates that will also be on the ballot. Often times, finding information about these candidates can be somewhat difficult, resulting in a majority of ballots being straight party votes.
In Texas there will be four parties with straight party voting available on state wide ballots: Libertarian, Green, Democrat, and Republican. Wright in candidates will only count if the candidate has previously filed as a wright in candidate, and any candidate who ran in the primary and lost, is not eligible to be in the general election or to run as a write in.Being a presidential election year, it is expected that we’ll see record campaign spending and voter turnout. While the presidential race certainly attracts lots of media attention, voters will also need to be aware of state and local level candidates that will also be on the ballot. Often times, finding information about these candidates can be somewhat difficult, resulting in a majority of ballots being straight party votes.
Will this year’s election be any different? The idea of a Libertarian candidate is likely much more acceptable today, largely thanks to the term libertarian being used in the general vocabulary of many people, and Ron Paul’s run for President. Personally I would encourage people not to vote for the party, but to vote for the candidates as this is the best way to truly be heard via your vote.
There is also currently polling happening for some races in the area. On Election Day, you will also be able to follow the election results specific to Dallas County or the State in General.

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